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facsBridge T37FSP Download

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Downloads:     176
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Developer:      Sandler Consulting  
License, Price:Shareware, $24.95
Size, OS :       1.76 MB   |   Windows System
Last Updated: November 09, 2009, Monday
Software ID:   53247   |   Use this software ID to contact us
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Software Description:

facsBridge T37FSP - bridges the gap between Internet Fax Gateway and Windows Fax Service
facsBridge T37FSP is a Windows fax driver that bridges the gap between Internet Fax Gateway and Windows Fax Service. With T37FSP you can enjoy intuitive and easy to use Windows desktop faxing.
The product is oriented for corporate users and individuals using Internet Fax Service Providers or T.37 fax devices (e.g. cisco fax-enabled routers).
The Fax Service Provider (FSP) is a Windows fax driver that implements a predefined interface in order to plug-in third party fax devices into Windows Fax Service domain.
The facsBridge T37FSP is a Windows Fax Service Provider, capable of sending faxes via email (store-and-forward facsimile with off-ramp gateway). It follows the T.37 protocol (as described in ITU-T Recommendation T.37 and ITU-T Recommendation F.185), except that the Windows Fax Service generates class F TIFF files (MMR compression), and the T.37 specifications require profile S TIFF files (subset of TIFF-F, MH compression only), but most commercial T.37 fax machines (Internet-aware fax machines) can handle TIFF-F. See Troubleshooting for more details on how to convert TIFF file from MMR format.

100% Clean:

100% Clean facsBridge T37FSP 3.0.3 is 100% clean
This download (T37FSPSetup.msi) was tested thoroughly and was found 100% clean. Click "Report Spyware" link on the top if you found this software contains any form of malware, including but not limited to: spyware, viruses, trojans and backdoors.


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  3. 1st Fax Extractor 6.84 - 1st Fax Extractor extracts fax/phone number
  4. NetCFax networked fax system 3.60 - Fully networked fax server plus clients system that uses TCP/IP connectivity
  5. FaxMail for Windows 13.07.01 - All the fax machines in the world are your printers with FaxMail for Windows
  6. VentaFax & Voice - Fax/voice messaging software working with dial-up modems and Internet telephony
  7. VentaFax Business - Fax/voice messaging software working with dial-up modems and Internet telephony
  8. Venta4Net - LAN fax/voice messaging software for dial-up modems and Internet telephony
  9. ActFax 5.10 - An advanced, powerful, and feature rich fax server software system
  10. RKS Fax 1.50 - Create faxes using a scanner or by print-to-fax, send and receive faxes

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